Hauptautor des Eintrags: Moonshade
Infos ergänzen
female Darstellerin
Geboren: 25. Juli 1901 in Union Hill, New Jersey, USA
Gestorben: 13. Nov. 1973 in Saranac Lake, New York, USA (Schlaganfall)
= Filme mit diesem Symbol befinden sich in Ihrer Filmsammlung
B = Besitz W = Wunschliste U = Unterwegs (bestellt) V = Verliehen
Jahr | Note | Film | Rolle |
Jahr | Note | Film | Rolle |
1967 | 0,00 | Cottonpickin' Chickenpickers | Viola Zickafoose |
1966 | 0,00 | The Emperor's New Clothes [Kurzfilm] | Wringmouth |
1957 | 0,00 | Panic! [TV-Serie] | Store Keeper (1 Episode, 1957) |
1956 | 0,00 | The Gale Storm Show [TV-Serie] | Mrs. Mason (1 Episode, 1957) |
1950 | 0,00 | Lux Video Theatre [TV-Serie] | Mrs. McLean (2 Folgen, 1951-1953) |
1937 | 0,00 | Nation Aflame | Mona Franklin Burtis |
1937 | 0,00 | Two Wise Maids | Ethel Harriman |
1936 | 0,00 | Country Gentlemen | Mrs. Louise Heath |
1936 | 0,00 | Vornehm und gefährlich | Miss Prentiss, Bradford's Receptionist |
1935 | 0,00 | The Marriage Bargain | Helen Stanhope |
1935 | 0,00 | People's Enemy | Catherine Carr |
1935 | 0,00 | Champagne for Breakfast | Natalie Morton |
1934 | 0,00 | I Can't Escape | Mae Nichols |
1934 | 0,00 | Whirlpool | Helen Rankin Morrison |
1934 | 0,00 | Wir senden Sonne | Zelda (uncredited) |
1934 | 0,00 | In Love with Life | Sharon |
1933 | 0,00 | The Iron Master | Janet Stillman |
1933 | 0,00 | The Intruder | Connie Wayne |
1933 | 0,00 | Lone Cowboy | Eleanor Jones |
1933 | 0,00 | The Face in the Sky | Sharon Hadley |
1932 | 0,00 | Abenteuer in Shanghai | Julie March |
1932 | 0,00 | Exposure | Doris Corbin |
1932 | 0,00 | Unholy Love | Jane Bradford |
1932 | 0,00 | Radio-Polizei-Patrouille | Sue Kennedy |
1932 | 0,00 | False Faces | Georgia Rand |
1932 | 0,00 | The Night of June 13th | Trudie Morrow |
1932 | 0,00 | Officer Thirteen | Doris Dane |
1931 | 0,00 | Woman Hungry | Judith Temple |
1931 | 0,00 | Misbehaving Ladies | Princess Ellen |
1930 | 0,00 | Second Wife | Florence Wendell Fairchild |
1930 | 0,00 | Murder Will Out | Jeanne Baldwin |
1930 | 0,00 | Those Who Dance | Nora Brady |
1930 | 0,00 | Double Cross Roads | Mary Carlyle |
1930 | 0,00 | The Gorilla | Alice Denby |
1930 | 0,00 | The Unholy Three | Rosie O'Grady |
1929 | 0,00 | Queen of the Night Clubs | Bea Walters |
1929 | 0,00 | Honky Tonk | Beth Leonard |
1929 | 0,00 | Dark Streets | Katie Dean |
1929 | 0,00 | The Argyle Case | Mary Morgan |
1929 | 0,00 | The Sacred Flame | Stella Taylor - Maurice's Wife |
1929 | 0,00 | Drag | Dot |
1929 | 0,00 | Love, Live and Laugh | Margharita |
1929 | 0,00 | The Show of Shows | Performer "What Became of the Floradora Boys" |
1929 | 0,00 | Flieger | Nurse Elinor Murray |
1928 | 0,00 | Top Sergeant Mulligan | The Girl |
1928 | 0,00 | The Man in Hobbles | Ann Harris |
1928 | 0,00 | You Can't Beat the Law | Patricia Berry |
1928 | 0,00 | A Bit of Heaven | Fola Dale |
1928 | 0,00 | United States Smith | Molly Malone |
1928 | 0,00 | Thundergod | Enid Bryant |
1928 | 0,00 | Black Butterflies | Norma Davis |
1928 | 0,00 | The Black Pearl | Eugenie Bromley |
1928 | 0,00 | The Little Wild Girl | Marie Cleste |
1928 | 0,00 | The Adorable Cheat | Marion Dorsey |
1928 | 0,00 | Just Married | Victoire |
1927 | 0,00 | Million Dollar Mystery | Florence Grey |
1927 | 0,00 | One Increasing Purpose | Elizabeth Glade |
1926 | 0,00 | Broken Hearts | Ruth Esterin |
1926 | 0,00 | Fascinating Youth | Lila Lee |
1926 | 0,00 | The New Klondike | Evelyn Lane |
1925 | 0,00 | Old Home Week | Ethel Harmon |
1925 | 0,00 | Seine unberührte Frau | Alice Rand |
1925 | 0,00 | The Midnight Girl | Anna |
1924 | 0,00 | Love's Whirlpool | Molly |
1924 | 0,00 | Wandering Husbands | Diana Moreland |
1924 | 0,00 | Another Man's Wife | Helen Brand |
1923 | 0,00 | Chinquita, seine mexikanische Braut | Chiquita |
1923 | 0,00 | Homeward Bound | Mary Brent |
1923 | 0,00 | Woman-Proof | Louise Halliday |
1923 | 0,00 | Hollywood | Lila Lee |
1922 | 0,00 | Rent Free | Barbara Teller |
1922 | 0,00 | The Ghost Breaker | Maria Theresa, a Spanish Heiress |
1922 | 0,00 | Ebb Tide | Ruth Attwater |
1922 | 0,00 | Back Home and Broke | Mary Thorne |
1922 | 0,00 | Is Matrimony a Failure? | Margaret Saxby |
1922 | 0,00 | The WAMPAS Baby Stars of 1922 [Kurzfilm] | Herself |
1922 | 0,00 | A Trip to Paramountown [Kurzfilm] | Herself |
1922 | 0,00 | Fattys Flitterwochen | Elsie |
1922 | 0,00 | The Dictator | Juanita |
1922 | 0,00 | One Glorious Day | Molly McIntyre |
1922 | 0,00 | Blut und Sand | Carmen |
1921 | 0,00 | The Charm School | Elsie |
1921 | 0,00 | The Easy Road | Ella Klotz |
1921 | 0,00 | After the Show | Eileen |
1921 | 0,00 | The Dollar-a-Year Man | Peggy Bruce |
1921 | 0,00 | Gasoline Gus | Sal Jo Banty |
1921 | 0,00 | Crazy to Marry | Annabelle Landis |
1920 | 0,00 | The Soul of Youth | Vera Hamilton |
1920 | 0,00 | The Prince Chap | Claudia (age 18) |
1920 | 0,00 | Midsummer Madness | Daisy Osborne |
1920 | 0,00 | Terror Island | Beverly West |
1919 | 0,00 | Jane Goes A' Wooing | |
1919 | 0,00 | The Secret Garden | Mary Lennox |
1919 | 0,00 | Rustling a Bride | Emily |
1919 | 0,00 | A Daughter of the Wolf | Annette Ainsworth |
1919 | 0,00 | Rose o' the River | Rose Wiley |
1919 | 0,00 | Puppy Love | Gloria O'Connell |
1919 | 0,00 | The Heart of Youth | Josephine Darchat |
1919 | 0,00 | Hawthorne of the U.S.A. | Princess Irma |
1919 | 0,00 | The Lottery Man | Polly |
1919 | 0,00 | Male and Female | Tweeny - the scullery maid |
1918 | 0,00 | Such a Little Pirate | Patricia Wolf |
1918 | 0,00 | The Cruise of the Make-Believes | Bessie Meggison |
Jahr | Note | Film | Song(s) |
Jahr | Note | Film | Song(s) |
1929 | 0,00 | The Show of Shows |
What's Become of the Floradora Boys? |
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