von Kryon
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kult T.v. - Lexx The Series Box 2.03
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Englisch (Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo)
Animiertes und musikunterlegtes Menü
Original-Audio-Kommentar zu Twilight
Figuren-Biographien: Kai, His Divine Predecessors
The Lexx Purity Test
Story Zusammenfassung (Story so far)
Lexx Faxx
Zwei Amaray Cases in stabiler Pappbox. Die beiden Amaray Cases sind mittlerweile auch einzeln erhältlich.
Die schmalen Titelseiten aller Boxen von Staffel 1 (Movies) bis Staffel 3 ergeben ein zusammenhängendes Bild.
Disc 2.05
2.11 NOOK 45:54 Min.
Xev, Stan and Kai visit Nook, a quiet settlement inhabited by monks - all of which haven't seen a woman before. As Xev sends temperatures soaring, can Nook survive her visit?
2.12 NORB 45:53 Min.
Mantrid´s representative arrives on the LEXX, intent on showing them up close what the madman's game is. Soon the LEXX is being taken apart from the inside out...
2.13 TWILIGHT 47:51 Min.
On a planet with properties to heal the dead, Xev brings Stan to recover from an accident. But the dead are animated and can smell their flesh - and they're hungry...
Disc 2.06
2.14 PATCHES IN THE SKY 45:53 Min.
Stan takes a trip into a drug-fuelled nightmare, and encounters his nemesis Gigarotta. His only hope of escape has flipped because of all the patches in the sky...
2.15 WOZ 45:53 Min.
Xev´s body is about to shut down, and Stan and Kai have to take her on a magical journey to see the wonderful Wuzzard of Woz, and show her there´s no place like home!
Alle Laufzeit = PAL-Speedup mit Tonhöhenkorrektur, außer 2.13, welcher keinen Speedup hat.
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