Französisch (Dolby Digital 5.1) Französisch (Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo) Englisch (Dolby Digital 5.1) Englisch (DTS 5.1) Audiokommentar (englisch) (Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo)
Laufzeit Bonus bzw. Extras:
204 Min.
DISC 1 (DVD-9)
le film
Original Kinoversion 130:57 Min. (127:07 Min. o. A.)
Terminator 2 (1:20 Min. / 2:01 Min.)
Terminator 3 (1:41 Min.)
DISC 2 (DVD-9)
director's cut
Special Edition 146:53 Min. (142:32 Min. o. A.) Audiokommentar von James Cameron und seinem Team
Mission Profiles
Arnold Schwarzenegger (17 Screens)
Linda Hamilton (9 Screens)
Edward Furlong (6 Screens)
Robert Patrick (12 Screens)
James Cameron (17 Screens)
William Wisher (3 Screens)
Adam Greenberg (11 Screens)
Brad Fiedel (12 Screens)
DISC 3 (DVD-9)
les bonus
Alle Extras wahlweise mit französischen Untertiteln
Information Programs
"The Making of Terminator 2: Judgement Day" (30:54 Min.) 30-minute documentary on the making of the feature film
"T2: More Than Meets the Eye" (22:02 Min.) 22-minute special discussing omitted scenes and the Special Edition
"The Making of Terminator 2 3D: Breaking the Screen Barrier" (23:09 Min.) 23-minute featurette on the creation of the MCA/Universal Studios 3D theme park attraction
Visual Campaigns
Teaser Trailer, "Building the perfect Arnold (1:21 Min.)
Theatrical Trailer, "This time there are Two" (1:46 Min.)
Theatrical Trailer, "Same Make, New Mission" (2:04 Min.)
T2 Special Edition Trailer, "More than Meets the Eye" (2:35 Min.)
Data Hub
Source Code: Terminator 2: Judgement Day Original Screenplay / Script (574 Screens)
Tactical Diagrams
Future War (60 Screens)
Arrivals (14 Screens)
Nightmare #1 (55 Screens)
Mall Battle (41 Screens)
Canal Chase (66 Screens)
The Voights (20 Screens)
Hospital (67 Screens)
Nightmare #2 (33 Screens)
Dyson's Death (21 Screens)
Helicopter (17 Screens)
Van Chase (39 Screens)
Tanker Chase (167 Screens)
T-1000 Reforming (59 Screens)
Mill Fight (19 Screens)
Two Sarahs (48 Screens)
Molten Pit (26 Screens)
Future Coda (7 Screens)
Data Core
1. Introduction (9 Screens)
2. Table of Contents (10 Screens)
3. DEVELOPMENT (8 Screens)
4. Screenplay (34 Screens)
5. Research (108 Screens)
6. Design (136 Screens)
7. Storyboards (22 Screens)
8. PRE-PRODUCTION (8 Screens)
9. Casting (20 Screens)
10. Production Logistics (49 Screens)
11. Location Scouting (121 Screens)
12. The Sets (119 Screens)
13. Training (16 Screens)
14. PRODUCTION (7 Screens)
15. Props and Costumes (37 Screens)
16. Makeup (121 Screens)
17. Cinematography (67 Screens)
18. Location Shooting (58 Screens)
19. Stage Shooting (4 Screens)
20. Stunts and practical Effects (27 Screens)
21. Weapons (29 Screens)
22. VISUAL EFFECTS (11 Screens)
23. Industrial Light & Magic (219 Screens)
24. Stan Winston Studio (247 Screens)
25. Fantasy II Film Effects (76 Screens)
26. 4-Ward Productions (69 Screens)
27. Pacific Data Images (19 Screens)
28. Video Image (99 Screens)
29. Pacific Title (22 Screens)
30. Process Photography (21 Screens)
31. POST-PRODUCTION (11 Screens)
32. Editing (26 Screens)
33. Sound Design (32 Screens)
34. Music (22 Screens)
35. Printing Process (50 Screens)
36. Video Transfer (27 Screens)
37. Restoration (16 Screens)
38. Omitted Scenes (22 Screens)
39. PUBLICITY (7 Screens)
40. Marketing Concept (14 Screens)
41. Teasers and Trailers (65 Screens)
42. Posters and Ads (100 Screens)
43. Press Materials (21 Screens)
44. Promotions (33 Screens)
45. Critical & Public Response (22 Screens)
46. Merchandising Catalog (175 Screens)
47. International Appeal (88 Screens)
48. T2/3D (268 Screens)
49. Epilogue (24 Screens)
50. Disc Credits (50 Screens)
Interrogation Surveillance Archives
Writer/Director James Cameron and co-writer Bill Wisher discuss working together on the script (1:07 Min.)
Writer/Director James Cameron and co-writer Bill Wisher discuss the writing process (1:42 Min.)
Writer/Director James Cameron discusses researching for the film (1:12 Min.)
James Cameron and designer Steve Burg discuss the design challenges of the film (1:20 Min.)
Effect Designer John Brund discusses the previsualization process (0:29 Min.)
Casting director Mali Finn discusses the casting of the film (0:46 Min.)
Mali Finn, James Cameron and actor Edward Furlong on the Casting of John Connor (3:03 Min.)
Mali Finn, James Cameron and actor Robert Patrick on the casting of the T-1000 (1:30 Min.)
Co-producer Stephanie Austin discusses the logistics of filming Terminator 2 (0:50 Min.)
Production designer Joseph Nemec III on approaches to "T2's" production design (1:01 Min.)
Robert Patrick, Linda Hamilton and trainer Uzi Gal discuss the weapons and physical training for the film (2:08 Min.)
Behind-the-scenes montage on one of the costuming challenges of the film (0:50 Min.)
Makeup effects creator Stan Winston, key makeup artist Jeff Dawn and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger discuss the Terminator makeup work (2:12 Min.)
Behind-the-scenes montage on the location shooting for the film (1:14 Min.)
Behind-the-scenes montage on the stage shooting for the film (0:31 Min.)
Stunt coordinator Joel Kramer discusses stunts and practical effects (1:09 Min.)
Behind-the-scenes on the shooting of the SWAT von crashing into the Cyberdyne lobby (0:19 Min.)
Behind-the-scenes on the preparations and shooting of the Cyberdyne explosion (0:16 Min.)
Behind-the-scenes on the practical effects in creating the look of the steel mill (0:18 Min.)
Behind-the-scenes on the shooting of the tow truck jump into the flood control channel (0:29 Min.)
Behind-the-scenes on the shooting of the tanker truck sliding on its side at the steel mill (0:28 Min.)
Stembridge Gun Rental's weaponsmaster Harry Lu discusses the weaponry of "T2" (1:25 Min.)
ILM's Steve Williams and visual effects supervisor Dennis Muren discuss building a digital puppet of the T-1000 (0:42 Min.)
ILM's Mark Dippe, Steve Williams, Jay Riddle and Dennis Muren on animating the T-1000 character (0:53 Min.)
ILM's Mark Dippe on putting the computer-generated T-1000 character into the scene (0:37 Min.)
ILM's Steve Williams, Mark Dippe and Dennis Muren discuss doing the computer graphics shots (0:44 Min.)
ILM's Dennis Muren and Steve Williams on working with writer/director James Cameron (0:27 Min.)
Terminator effects and makeup creator Stan Winston on creating characters (1:28 Min.)
Behind-the-scenes on the creation and shooting of the T-1000 shotgun hits (0:31 Min.)
Behind-the-scenes on the creation and shooting of the T-1000 posing as John's foster mother Janelle Voight (0:31 Min.)
Behind-the-scenes on the creation and shooting of the burning Sarah puppet for the nuclear nightmare (0:36 Min.)
Behind-the-scenes on the creation and shooting of the Terminator walking puppet used in the Cyberdyne shootout (0:38 Min.)
Behind-the-scenes on the creation and shooting of the T-1000 "donut-head" effect (0:26 Min.)
Behind-the-scenes on the creation and shooting of the T-1000 "cleave-body" effect (0:28 Min.)
Behind-the-scenes on the creation and shooting of the T-1000 "pretzel-man" effect (0:28 Min.)
Fantasy II Film Effects VFX supervisor Gene Warren Jr. discusses the Future War sequence (0:52 Min.)
Fantasy II's Gene Warren Jr. discusses the stop-motion endoskeleton process shot that took three months to complete (1:13 Min.)
Fantasy II's Gene Warren Jr. discusses the creation and the shooting of the miniature tanker truck (0:32 Min.)
4-Ward Productions' VFX supervisor Robert Skotak discusses the creation of the nuclear nightmare sequence (0:36 Min.)
4-War Production's supervising DP Dennis Skotak discusses the radiating blast shot from the nuclear nightmare sequence (0:32 Min.)
4-Ward's Robert and Dennis Skotak discuss the miniature building shots from the nuclear nightmare sequence (1:31 Min.)
4-Ward's Robert Skotak on the miniature steel pour created for the steel mill sequence (0:29 Min.)
4-Ward's Dennis Skotak on shooting mercury for the reforming of the T-1000 at the steel mill (0:32 Min.)
James Cameron, effect designer John Bruno and co-producer Stephanie Austin discuss the use of process photography in the film (1:01 Min.)
James Cameron and film editors Conrad Buff, Mark Goldblatt and Richard Harris discuss the editing of "T2" (1:51 Min.)
Multi-Angle presentation of the dailies from the helicopter acquisition sequence, with subtitles for shooting dates and locations (2:31 Min.)
The final helicopter acquisition sequence from the film, with subtitles to illustrate shooting dates and locations (1:00 Min.)
Sound designer Gary Rydstrom on the sound design philosophy for the film (0:25 Min.)
Multi-audio demonstration of sound effects layering for a single shotgun blast, with Gary Rydstrom commentary on an alternate audio channel (0:40 Min.)
Sound designer Gary Rydstrom on sound effects editing (0:21 Min.)
Multi-audio demonstration on the creation of "T2" sound effects, with final film audio on the main track and isolated sound effects on an alternate audio channel (0:51 Min.)
Multi-audio sound layer demo for the steel mill fight, with ambience, foley, sound effects, music, final mix, and two Gary Rydstrom commentaries on alternate audio channels (1:10 Min.)
Composer Brad Fiedel discusses the musical scoring of "T2" (1:57 Min.)
Composer Brad Fiedel and music editor Allen Rosen discuss music mixing for the film (1:13 Min.)
Demonstration of the video transfer process on "T2" for seperate letterbox and full-frame (Pan&Scan) versions from a Super-35 negative (1:00 Min.)
James Cameron discusses the creation and validity of special effects (0:46 Min.)
Omitted scene of the T-1000 searching John's room, with commentary by James Cameron and Rober Patrick on an alternate audio channel (1:24 Min.)
Omitted scene of the original "Future Code" ending, with commentary by James Cameron, Stephanie Austin, Stan Winston and Linda Hamilton on alternate audio channels (0:47 Min.)
Brief montage of the "Terminator" fan convention held in Los Angeles just before the release of "T2" in 1991 (0:30 Min.)
The polyglot Terminator (0:25 Min.)
DISC 4 (DVD-5)
les Realisateurs: James Cameron
James Cameron (58:30 Min.) Englischsprachige Dokumentation über James Cameron mit festen französischen Untertitel.
Presentation (5:03 Min.)
Debut de carriere (4:16 Min.)
Terminator 1 (6:48 Min.)
Aliens 2 (7:12 Min.)
Abyss (6:40 Min.)
Terminator 2 (3:14 Min.)
True Lies (9:45 Min.)
Titanic (15:32 Min.)
Anmerkung zur Bezeichnung
Der französischer Titel ist: Terminator 2, le jugement dernier - Édition Finale (4 DVD)
Anmerkung zum Audiokommentar
Der Audiokommentar ist nur beim Director's Cut vorhanden.
Anmerkung zur Laufzeit
Director's Cut Version: 146:53 Min. (142:32 Min. o. A.) Original Kinofassung: 130:57 Min. (127:07 Min. o. A.)
Anmerkung zur Verpackung
Das 4-DVD Keep Case befindet sich zusammen mit dem 80-seitigem Buch in einem Plastikschuber. Die komplette Oberfläche des Schubers ist mit einem rot/schwarzen Lentikular-Druck versehen.
Anmerkung zur Erstauflage
Bei (einem Teil) der Erstauflage sind die DVDs falsch beschriftet: Die Kinoversion befindet sich auf der Disc mit der Beschriftung "les bonus", das Bonusmaterial befindet sich auf der Disc mit der Beschriftung "director's cut" und der Director's Cut befindet sich auf der Disc mit der Beschriftung "le film"
1. Prologue 2. Future War 3. Main Titles 4. Terminator Arrives 5. Biker Bar 6. Bad to the Bone 7. T-1000 Arrives 8. Meet John Connor 9. Sarah Conner 10. Ain't No Trouble 11. T-100 visits the Voights 12. Easy Money 13. Not much Time left in the World 14. Sanity Review 15. Cyberdyne Systems 16. Model Citizen 17. Target Aquired 18. The Galleria 19. Zeroed in the Corridor 20. Into the Streets 21. Canal Chase 22. Time Out 23. Never this Nice 24. T-1000's Search 25. Photos 26. Mission Parameters 27. Pescadero State Hospital 28. Lewis the Guard 29. Sarah breaks out 30. 215 Bones 31. I Swear 32. At Syringe-Point 33. "Come with me if you want to live" 34. Escape from Pescadero 35. Security Car 36. Nice bike 37. Night Repairs 38. Resetting the switch 39. Heading South 40. No Problemo 41. Smile? 42. Detailed Files 43. Meet the Pilot 44. Salceda's Camp 45. Weapons Cache 46. Fathers and Sons 47. Nuclear Nightmare 48. Sarah's Decision 49. No Fate 50. Sarah's Solution 51. Changing the way it goes 52. Target: Cyberdine 53. All the Way 54. T-1000 at Dyson's 55. A Lot of Years 56. Company 57. Terminator serves notice 58. In the vault 59. SWAT offensive 60. Death of Dyson and Cyberdine 61. "I'll be back" 62. Borrowing the SWAT van 63. T-1000 acquires a helicopter 64. Freeway chase 65. Tanker chase 66. Fire and Ice 67. Glitching 68. Sticking together 69. Hand to Hand 70. Deeper into the steel mill 71. Sarah's Stand 72. Terminator Skewered 73. Sarah and John 74. Alternate Power 75. Two Sarahs 76. Terminated 77. One More Chip 78. The unknown future 79. End titles 80. Restauration credits