von Marquis Sardonicus
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Blu-ray Disc
Grindhouse Releasing (BD/2DVD) Limited Edition
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DL (double-layer) (50 GB)
Englisch (DTS-HD 2.0 Mono)
Sonstige (Dolby Digital 5.1)
- Deleted Scenes (SD, 10 mins)
- 16mm Screen Tests (SD, 10 mins)
- Interviews With Cast And Crew (HD, 57 mins)
- 'Be Careful Children', Kurzfilm (SD, 7 mins)
- A Cult is Born, Featurette (HD, 5 mins)
- Channel 10 Segment (SD, 10 mins)
- Interviews with Moshe Berman, Susan Devor, and Fran Avni (HD, 11 mins)
- Shmuel's Still Show (HD, 5 mins)
- Still Galleries
- Filmographies
- Trailer (HD, 3 mins)
- Trailer anderer Grindhouse Filme
- kleines Poster mit Kapitelauswahl und Essay auf der Rückseite
Laufzeit BD: 93:04 Min.
Laufzeit DVD: 92:58 Min.
Laufzeit Alternativfassung: 93:59 Min.
Die Limited Edition ist auf 2000 Stück limitiert und nummeriert und enthält eine dritte Disc. Sie enthält die alternative israelische Kinofassung "The Hichhiker", sie ist eine Minute länger, in 4:3 in schlechterer Qualität und ohne Bonusmaterial.
Easter Eggs (von dvdtalk.com):
Hit the Up button until the word "Hippie" in the movie title is highlighted and you'll get an old clip of George Jessel, as he was one of the financiers of this movie's initial American release and his name actually appears at the movie's beginning. A more substantial hidden feature is a 15-minute episode of the Norwegian internet show "Filmjunkiene", with Aleksander Serigstad and Ivar Fallet where they analyze and further ridicule the movie. This can be found by first going to the second page of the extras menu, highlighting "Back" and hitting the Up button. They speak Norwegian, and the disc has had English subtitles added while there were none on their YouTube upload.
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