von Asjaman
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Blu-ray Disc
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DL (double-layer) (50 GB)
Englisch (Dolby Digital 1.0)
Französisch (Dolby Digital 1.0)
Spanisch (Dolby Digital 1.0)
Commentary by film historian Rudy Behlmer
Leonard Maltin Hosts Warner Night at the Movies featuring vintage newsreel, musical short Freddie Rich and His Orchestra, classic cartoon Katnip Kollege, and Angels with Dirty Faces theatrical trailer
Welcome to Sherwood Forest: The Story of The Adventures of Robin Hood
Glorious Technicolor: Celebrating the revered color filmmaking process
Robin Hood Through the Ages: Excerpts from the 1912 first screen adaptation, Douglas Fairbanks' rousing 1922 silent, and this 1938 version dubbed in German
A Journey to Sherwood Forest: Basil Rathbone and Erich Wolfgang Korngold home movies shot during production
Two classic cartoons: Rabbit Hood and Robin Hood Daffy
Splitting the Arrow: Historical art, costume design, scene concept drawings, cast and crew, publicity and poster galleries
Two vintage short subjects: Cavalcade of Archery and The Cruise of the Zaca
Breakdowns of 1938: Studio blooper reel
Audio-only bonuses: Music-only audio track showcasing the film's Oscar-winning score; The Robin Hood Radio Show; Korngold piano sessions
Errol Flynn trailer gallery
UPC: 012569798397
Laufzeit Hauptfilm: 101:55 Min.
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